In 1998, the Man of a 1000 Holds Dean Malenko and the highly charismatic Chris Jericho were locked in a bitter feud for the WCW Cruiserweight Title. Dean was the calm and composed second generation wrestler and mat technician who won many entertaining matches with his Texas Cloverleaf finisher. Chris Jericho was the brash up and coming star who talked a mighty talk but backed it up by winning match after match with his Lion Tamer submission (which would get modified to the Walls of Jericho once he came to the WWE). Jericho’s work on the mic though added a whole different element to the rivalry and he used to put down Dean and his father week after week.
One of the best promos ever delivered by Jericho was from WCW Nitro on the 30th of March 1998 when he confidently claimed that he was the man of 1004 holds (4 more than what Dean supposedly knew) before he proceeded to rattle them off one by one. What made the promo even better was that WCW then cut away from the ring with the announcers talking about the main event and when they returned Jericho surprisingly was still in the ring and announcing move number 712. Finally he was chased out of the Prince Iaukea who was also trained by Boris Malenko and couldn’t stand the disrespect shown by the champion. Hearing an exasperated Jericho say “Give me my holds” and “I still got 200 more” never fail to crack me up.
What Makes This Great: Jericho’s delivery was absolutely on the money and his cocky arrogance made you believe that he fully believed in what he was saying. Some of the moves were made up and awesome to say the least, “Super Blizzard” being the best of them. That and Jericho stating that he counted how many moves Malenko knew and it was only 60. Definitely one of the most unorthodox promos done up until that point of time and it is by far one of the all time greats.
Promopalooza Rating : 1004 stars.
Where Can You Watch It : Right here .
One of the best promos ever delivered by Jericho was from WCW Nitro on the 30th of March 1998 when he confidently claimed that he was the man of 1004 holds (4 more than what Dean supposedly knew) before he proceeded to rattle them off one by one. What made the promo even better was that WCW then cut away from the ring with the announcers talking about the main event and when they returned Jericho surprisingly was still in the ring and announcing move number 712. Finally he was chased out of the Prince Iaukea who was also trained by Boris Malenko and couldn’t stand the disrespect shown by the champion. Hearing an exasperated Jericho say “Give me my holds” and “I still got 200 more” never fail to crack me up.
What Makes This Great: Jericho’s delivery was absolutely on the money and his cocky arrogance made you believe that he fully believed in what he was saying. Some of the moves were made up and awesome to say the least, “Super Blizzard” being the best of them. That and Jericho stating that he counted how many moves Malenko knew and it was only 60. Definitely one of the most unorthodox promos done up until that point of time and it is by far one of the all time greats.
Promopalooza Rating : 1004 stars.
Where Can You Watch It : Right here .
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